education Scholarship
Education is a tool for development of an individual, community, and the nation. It is the foundation for a better future. It is an empowerment to make choices and emboldens the youth to chase their dreams.
Financial Help
Help financially in education for students who need it as our terms through different sponsors & NGO’s.
Our trust helping hands support team believes that integrity is our key to success. We will show through our actions that we are competent, trustworthy, supportive, and caring. Our trust will always respond to an education request that comes from a much-deserved candidate with Low Economic Background, Parentless / Single Parent-Child and physically challenged students etc.
Our Trust Request Selection Criteria:
The beneficiary should satisfy 3 or more clauses to be eligible for financial help from our trust. However, the Academic support team decision will be the final one on helping a beneficiary through selection.
- Clause 1: Single Parent (OR) Parentless student.
- Clause 2: Low economic background (income up-to 1Lakhs PA).
- Clause 3: Topper or First rank holder (Applicable to Division, State, District rank holder in SSLC and HSC).
- Clause 4: First graduate in the Family/ First generation learner.
- Clause 5: Especially challenged persons (Physically challenged, Visually challenged, Deaf and dumb etc.)
- Clause 6: Special category (Both Confidential like Terminal illness and Non-Confidential like Transgender and child laborers are also eligible)
Exceptional cases such as visually challenged or physically challenged will be provided exemption on the eligibility criteria.

The Process followed in identifying deserving students:
- Student scholarship application verification and filtration based on criteria.
- Online verification through telephone
- Direct verification to the student home and the Institution for document and a student reality check.
- Fundraising based on Institution fees is bonafide.
- The Cheque will be issue in the name of the Institution for the student.
- Connecting student with the Career Guidance team and monitoring the student development and follow-up.
To the Sponsors (Together We Can)
With all your kind support we can lift up many deserved candidates to chase their studies and dreams. You are always welcome to sponsor/donate for an education request that goes on in our trust
Help Continue her Education – கல்வியை தொடர உதவுங்கள்
xxxx Fatherless student from xxx needs financial support for her studies. She is pursuing a xxx yr at xxxx & the First graduate in her family. Her father is no more and left his family under her mother’s care. Her whole family depends on her mother who is a daily wage worker. so she’s unable to compete for her daughter’s education because of her family’s financial situation. xxx needs financial support to pursue her studies. So, kindly contribute to her studies.
குடும்பத்தில் முதல் பட்டதாரியாக, தந்தை இழந்து, அம்மா தின கூலி தொழிலாளியாகவும், 10ம் வகுப்பில் 0/500, பொறியியல் முதலாம் ஆண்டில் 0/10 CGPA பெற்று இறுதி ஆண்டு பயிலும் xxxx அவர்களுக்கு உதவுங்கள். நமது அறக்கட்டளையின் கொடையாளர்கள் பெரும் உதவியால் கடந்த ஆண்டுகளில் கல்லூரி கட்டணத்தை செலுத்தி இரண்டாம் வருடம் 0/10 CGPA, மூன்றாம் வருடம் 0/10 CGPA பெற்று இறுதி வருடம் சென்றுள்ளார். இந்தாண்டு கல்வி தொடர உதவியை கேட்கிறோம்.
Student Details
Student Name | xxx |
Education | xxxx |
College Name & Address | xxxx |
Percentage |
10th – 0/500 12th – 0/600 1st Year – 0/10 CGPA 2nd Year - 0/10 CGPA 3rd Year - 0/10 CGPA |
Family Background |
- Fatherless Student - Mother Daily wages - Low Economic Background |
Contact Number | 7904230209 |
Fees Details
Fees : 0/-
Higher Education is the most needed thing because that only leads to travel the remaining path of education.
Who ever seen this post, Do the needful as u can. If you do that thing, that his life may glow brightly.
Glorious things happen are!
Let’s be an initiator to make that glorious thing in his life.
Account Details
Name of Account | Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust for Future Vision |
Account Type | Current |
Account No | 75090200001846 |
Branch | Bank of Baroda, Car Street, Cuddalore |
UPI Pay | drab96299@barodampay |
* Once the amount has been transferred to this account let us know for this contact number 9629998597 and collect a receipt for Donate
Last Date to Pay Fees : 00-00-0000