1Indian 5Trees, Seedbombs, Waterbodies Restoration, Palm Seed Planting
Adopting Plants
1 Indian 5 Trees

- Our Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust started the plantation drive under 1 Indian 5 Trees Projects all over TamilNadu and Puducherry. Our Volunteers in each district plant the saplings and maintain the sapling plants every two years. 3 times a month, our volunteers visit the place of planting and maintain the plant until it grows up 8-10 feet because we want to consider every sapling as our child.
- To motivate all the youngsters and our volunteers, the investigation team visits every district and analyzes the growth of the tree, and volunteers are given a certificate of appreciation and gifts for their hard work. We feel these activities act as a motivation and make the students and the public be involved in environmental activities. We want every people in the world to take this initiative to cover the earth with nature.
Seed Bomb Preparation
From 2014 Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust initiates these Seed bomb. Even a bird’s dropping (poop) can be a fertilizer when it falls into the soil. we must start “Spreading the seed for Plant” but we were in doubt whether it will become a tree or not? For this, we have a solution “SEED BOMBS”.
- Gather more seeds. Even we can collect the fruit and vegetable seeds which are available in our Home.
- Collect all the seeds and keep them in a paper Bag because it absorbs the water from seed.
- Add the water in Red soil with cow-dung (70% Sand and 30% Cow-Dung) and mix it to make a paste. Take small pieces from those paste and make it a round ball.
- Inside the round, the ball keeps a seed. Repeat the procedure in the same way and make all the seed in the form of a round ball.
- Dry those balls in a sheltered place.
- Whenever you go outside take some Seed Bombs and throw wherever you like. Until the rainy season starts, the red soil and Cow-dung give essential protection to the seed. We Prefer to throw Seed Bombs at River, Pond, Hills and National Highways.
- Once it rains, the seed starts to grow.
Water Bodies Restoration
Due to the ever-increasing population, increase in construction activities and demand for residential purposes & development activities, water conservation becomes a prime concern to the entire world (Think about SouthAfrica Capetown 2018 Water Crisis). Now the land of natural drainage channels is in danger because it does not own by any particular village or city or person. Unauthorized use of land in natural drainage channels like rivers, their tributaries, etc., village ponds, and small rivers are causing obstruction in the normal natural flow of water in them. Global freshwater resources are threatened by rising demands from many quarters. Growing populations need even more water for drinking, hygiene, sanitation, food production, and industry. Climate change meanwhile is excepted to contribute to droughts. Unless every individual in the world takes a step it becomes difficult to survive in near future.
The following measures were taken by our Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust Volunteers to protect natural water channels like Lake, Pond, Etc., from unauthorized occupation and ensure normal natural flow in them and also protection of village Pond and artificial water reservoirs in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
Pondicherry Kanagan Lake Cleanup
On every Sunday from June 18th, 2017 Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust for Future Vision and in association with the Environmental Foundation of India organized the Kanagan lake cleanup drive, an awareness drive on our growing garbage footprint and the impact on the environment and plantation drive in and around the Kanagan lake. Around 25 weeks of 500+ volunteers work converting the lake to a tourist place(a sheer nature’s beauty is restored). It was restored with support from the Puducherry government. Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Kiran Bedi Madam, visited Kanagan Lake, Kathirkamam, Puducherry on September 10,2017. 500+ volunteers collected and removed 15 tractors of garbage from the Kanagan Lake, kathirkaman, Puducherry. It was our first project which acts as motivation for further work.
Pondicherry Aayi Pond Cleanup
Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust started Aayi Pond Cleanup activities on February 11, 2018. On March 22, 2018(World Waters day), a rally was conducted from Kanagan Lake to Aayi pond with 300 school students to create awareness about the importance of water conservation. 24 weeks of cleanup activities have been done with the help of 400+ volunteers. We continued the cleanup activities and removed garbages, plastics etc. By 12th week(29.04.2018) Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Kiran Bedi Madam, along with the government officials visited the pond & gave future suggestions for improvement for the preservation of the pond and by May 1 (Labour’s day), a plantation drive was conducted around the pond along with the support of Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Kiran Bedi Madam. Every week reports about the progress of cleanup activities have been sent to the Kiran Bedi madam. By 13th week (06.05.2018), Puthiyathalaimurai TV “NAMMAL MUDIYUM” show visited and broadcasted the activities which we carried out and it was telecasted on Puthiyathalaimurai TV “NAMMAL MUDIYUM”
Cuddalore Pathirikuppam Pond Cleanup
Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust wants to extend cleanup activities in Tamilnadu and we started cleanup activity from Cuddalore pathirikuppam Pond by April 1st week.With the help of 150+ volunteers’ support, after 26 weeks 75% of the pond cleanup activities had been completed.Puthiyathalaimurai TV “NAMMAL MUDIYUM” show visited and broadcasted the activities which we carried out and it was telecasted on Puthiyathalaimurai TV “NAMMAL MUDIYUM”
Palm Seeds Planting
Palm Trees are the greatest asset for our country. These trees played a vital role in the ancient periods. Many common products and foods like Palm leaves, Palm milk, Palm oil, Jaggery, Nungu, Etc., comes from Palm Tree. Water is one of the precious natural resources. Our forefather planned to increase groundwater and to reduce its scarcity they decided to save rivers, canals, pools, ponds, tanks, lakes, wells,etc., Even though it is not enough to increase the groundwater, they plant an innumerable useful tree. The common tree which they planted were “PALM TREE” In general, tree roots are in the form of fibers but palm tree roots are just out of all angle from the root initialization zone because palm tends to have heavy fronds and trucks, the numerous roots act both as anchors and feeders to sustain the growing plant. The thin root stretches away from the trunk in search for moisture, water and nutrients. This automatically increases the ground water level. So, our Dr. Abdul Kalam Trust initiated One Lakh Palm Seeds Planting every year in all over Tamilnadu and Puducherry